Welcome to Lindsay with Love

Helping you win at life using your strongest, natural energy

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"You helped me so much at a time when I truly did not know who I was or what I even wanted. I was so lost at that time & I am so grateful for you!"
- Rachael I.


"You change your energy, you change your life."

Dr. Joe Dispenza

Hey! I'm Lindsay With Love 💗

Ever since I was a child, I have been curious and intrigued by the world. My career choices as a child included astronaut, archaeologist and pediatrician. Looking back, I was made for this life, but I didn't always know it. I was shown my healing abilities in late 2019 as the Kundalini energy rose in my body. A near death experience in March of 2021 opened my heart chakra fully and 3 months later, my throat chakra activated. Since then, I have been working privately with students to help them heal, find self-trust & trust in Source, recognize their worth & lovability and release old energetic blocks holding them back. My soul mission is to reach as many people in this life that I can to help them heal, so I have created self-paced programs tested and proven to free you from your limiting beliefs & activate your manifesting energy within. You deserve the life you dream of. I am confident I can help you achieve it.

with love, light & positivity,

Lindsay with Love